Position:Packaging Coordinator
Department:SH Bazar Sector/ Packaging & Design Team
Report to :Packaging & Design Manager
Main Mission:
1. Check and validate the packaging artworks from supplier(no name brand pack project) 檢查并确認供應商(工廠)的産品外觀包裝設計圖稿。(非歐尚自有品牌項目)
2. Monitor the design agency to finish the packaging artworks (private brand pack project) 監督第三方設計公司完成外觀包裝設計圖稿(歐尚自有品牌項目)
3. Organize the translation database checking. 檢查并完善産品包裝圖稿翻譯資料庫
1. French or Spanishlanguage major;
2. Good oral and written English;
3. Good communication skill;
4. Design software user is preferred.
Social insurance / House Fund / Additional medical insurance / Allowance / Paid Annual Leave 15days / 13 months’ salary & Bonus +…… 五險一金、補充醫療保險、餐貼、交通補貼、帶薪年假15天、13薪&Bonus + ……
Location 虹口區花園路128号運動LOFT創意基地7街區A座2樓2001-2081室 If you are interested in this position, please send your CHS & ENG & FRACV to——hr.atc@auchan.com.cn