| 組長 | 年級專業 | 組員 | 選題 | 導師 | |
1 | 張馨月 | 13金融工程 | 李家璇 | Analysis of the Status Quo of Electronic Payment Under the Background of Internet Finance | 傅毅 | |
2 | 馬铮梅 | 15金融學 |
| Framing bias in China’s stock market | 李剛 | |
3 | 李婷婷 | 15産業經濟學(研) | 曹文靜 | An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Venture Capital Agglomeration and City Innovation Ability | 趙金實 | |
4 | 蔡夢敏 | 14經濟學 | 黃曉玥 | Analysis of the factors affecting the demand of shared bike in China——based on the research of the ofo yellow bike | 趙紅軍 | |
5 | 高雯 | 16金融專碩(研) | 劉遙 | Fixed Income Portfolio for Risk Averse Client | 黃國妍 | |
6 | 李丹 | 16金融專碩(研) | 牟星竹 | The Analysis of Personal Credit Evaluation on Logistic Model | 敬志勇 | |
7 | 彭屹 | 15産業經濟學(研) | 朱夢蘭 | The Effect of Institutional Environment on Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: Social Capital, Administrative Supervision and Marketization | 劉春濟 | |
8 | 楊柳 | 14投資學 |
| Empirical Analysis about the affection of RMB Exchange Rate Volatility on GEM Index | 喬軍華 | |
9 | 趙曉媚 | 16金融學(研) | 郭得慶 | A Multi - angle Experiment on Fund Purchase——Based on Tiantian Website | 李小平 | |
10 | 齊碧晖 | 14信用管理 | 王辛楠 | Key Success Factors of Crowdfunding: | 劉江會 |
入圍小組成員将有機會于今年4月1日至8日赴美國SUNY OSWEGO參加論壇演講和一周參觀。對方學校将為學生提供住宿,伟德betvlctor体育官网也将對每組進行适當補貼。之後簽證辦理和機票預訂等問題,請聯系國際部唐老師:64322100。